Our customers around the world

Thousands of users around the globe use our products to streamline the process of online content authoring and electronic publishing. Within the world market, we maintain over 2500 corporate customers in over 40 countries, and we want to keep that figure growing!

Therefore, we make customer satisfaction a primary initiative, combining top-quality technology with a responsive service team which works to help you make the most of your systems. Customers come first; our high product and service standards are unprecedented, and we work to expand our customer base with this philosophy.

At RealObjects, we aim to provide you with the support and services you need to optimize your content management strategy. Please take a look at the customers who currently benefit from our technology. You will see that we provide specially-tailored products for a wide and diverse range of clientele, from small businesses to multi-national corporations, educational institutions as well as government and non-profit organizations. A listing of our OEM partners/customers is shown within the OEM partners section.




Thanks for the response, you were very thorough in answering my questions, something that is not done by most support groups from other companies. I like the fact that every time I ask your support a question, no matter what the question, I never have to ask for clarity on the response. As always, RealObjects support is very punctual, concise, and to the point. Great work!

Vielen herzlichen Dank für Ihre Hilfe, wir fühlen uns bei RealObjects sehr gut aufgehoben. In der heutigen Zeit werden den Supportleistungen meiner Ansicht nach oftmals nicht genügend Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Nicht so bei Ihnen, und drum ist es mir ein Anliegen, dass dies auch gewürdigt wird. Vielen Dank, einfach genial.

I’d just thought I’d pass on my thanks. Our Internet Development Group has commented a few times on how prompt and good your support is.

Many thanks for your prompt response to the SunGard Higher Education issues. We appreciate your hard work and feel we have a solid partner working besides us.

I don’t foresee any need for additional customer support… we have had good luck with your product. Easy to install, easy to configure, and very easy to integrate!

Your company is fast, courteous, and very professional to deal with. Thank you.

Thanks for the quick response. We are very pleased with the speed your support team works.

Thank you, that fixed it. Also can I add that with all of the support teams I have ever dealt with you are by far and away the fastest and most efficient!!!

Danke für die Hilfe, euer Support ist wirklich super!!!!!! Das findet man selten!

Allgemein möchte ich Ihnen und dem gesamten RealObjects Support mein Kompliment aussprechen. Sie und Ihre Kollegen bieten im Vergleich mit anderen Firmen, deren Support ich ebenfalls öfters in Anspruch nehme, mit Abstand die beste Leistung.

Ich bin übrigens mit Ihren Reaktionszeiten und dem damit gebotenen Service sehr zufrieden!